3.12.19 Xmas fair, non uniform days, clubs, chn's uni, closures

Tuesday, 03 December 2019
Dear Parents/Carers,
Christmas Fair – Wednesday 11th December
The Christmas Fair will take place on Wednesday 11th December from 3.45 to 5pm.
There will be range of items to buy including food, sweets and toys and there will also be some games to take part in, including a BFC penalty shoot-out, guess the name of the teddy and treasure hunt game.
Thank you for all your kind donations of sweets and chocolate which have helped us to provide prizes for our stalls. All money raised will go to support events and resources for school.
Non-uniform days
Friday 6th December - Children are asked to dress in their own clothes – or in the colours of brown and green – and to bring at least £1. This is to support a charity which will plant one tree somewhere in the world, for every £1 raised. For more information on the charity, search for www.justonetree.life
Friday 20th December – Children are invited to wear their own clothes, which may be Christmas themed if they wish and to bring £1, which will fund school resources.
Reception/Year 1 Nativity
Tuesday 10th December.
Performances are at 9.30am and 2pm. Tickets are available from Y1 and Reception classteachers.
Children will not be able to go home early after the performance.
After school clubs
There are no afterschool clubs taking place in the last week of term. Next week will the last week of clubs. Letters will be going out before the end of term, for children to sign up for new clubs which will start on the week beginning 13th January.
Children’s University
If children have passports and have collected credits from events outside of school, then passports need to be brought into school by Monday 16th December, for them to be updated. All credits earned from after-school clubs are automatically sent to the Children’s University by school.
School Closures
Thursday 12th December – school closed all day
School closes on Friday 20th December at 3.30pm and will re-open on Tuesday 7th January 2020.
Thank you for your support,
Sarah Bell

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