For Parents of Y6 only re Applications for High School


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Information for Year 6 parents/carers


Applications for High School

You must ensure that you have completed your application online by 31st October at the latest.

If you do not complete this form by the agreed date, the authority can allocate you any school, even if it is not local to you..

Last year, eight of our pupils were allocated West Craven High School, which is not convenient for them to get to.


Staff from Reedley cannot offer any advice on which schools you should put as your selection for high school. This is your choice to make, but whatever you choose, you must ensure that your application is submitted by 31st October.


If you have any queries, please call Lancashire County Council Pupil Access on 01254 220742.


Grammar School Entrance Exams

We have informed the grammar schools that Y6 children from Reedley are currently self isolating and will therefore not be able to sit the upcoming tests. Your child must not turn up to any of these schools to attempt to take a test, as they are in isolation until Saturday 24th October.


Even if your child has taken a COVID test and received a negative result, your child must remain in isolation for the full length of time and must not be in a public place, including a high school.


Clitheroe Grammar have informed me of an additional date for their test, after October half term. If your child was due to take the test at Clitheroe Grammar School, you must email them on as soon as possible.


Further questions

If you have any questions about the entrance examinations, you should direct these to the high school of your choice for further advice.



Thank you for your support

Mrs Sarah Bell


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