Support for Families and Safeguarding Advice


Safeguarding Team at Reedley



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Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mrs C Simmonds



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Mrs S Bell





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Mrs K Gorrell

Deputy Headteacher

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Mrs Ambreen Iqbal

Business Manager


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Miss Louise Cowell




Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Jillian Walton

Support for Families

If any parent feels that they need advice or support, you can contact Mrs Simmonds in school.

Alternatively, you can contact either of the organisations below:


Provides confidential advice and support for young people and their families. Talkzone is available every day from 2pm-10pm via:

  • Telephone helpline
  • Text message
  • Email
  • Online webchat

Child and Family Wellbeing Service:

Provides support for families with children and young people from 0-19 years old and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities up to the age of 25.


Find a children and family wellbeing service - Lancashire County Council

Tel: 01282 470277

Pendle Domestic Violence Initiative

If you are experiencing Domestic Abuse, including physical abuse of any nature, controlling behaviour, threats, harassment or are subject to forced marriage and honour-based violence from a partner, ex-partner or family member, they can offer help and support.

Call 01282 726000 or email

PDVI – Pendle Domestic Violence Initiative