Times tables, spelling bee, quidditch and Parents evenings


Friday 22nd March 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,


Times Table Championships

Great news! 15 of our children took part in the Times Table Championships, competing against children from twelve local schools. I am delighted to announce that we won every category and brought all the trophies home to Reedley.

I am incredibly proud of all the children from Y2 – Y6 who took part in this competition, starting with the heats in their class.


The children who attended the finals were:

Y2 - Mohammed Isa Ali, Abdul-Muiz Tariq, Hooriyah Fatima Bint Mujahaid

Y3 - Aadam Asghar, Zoha Ahmed, Faizan Hassan

Y4 -  Zainab Arif, Zeeshan Hassan, Nimra Abbas

Y5 - Moiz Moazam, Saifullah Bin Mujahaid, Eshal Ahmed

Y6 - Anaya Rizwan, Sameeha Baksh, Aysha Yousuf


Mohammed Isa, Aadam, Zainab, Moiz and Anaya were all year group champions, with Anaya also achieving the Champion of Champion award.


Zainab and Zeeshan also achieved the Hackmanite award in school last week!


Reedley now has achieved a reputation amongst other local schools for excelling in the area of times tables, as staff and pupils from these schools wanted to know the secret of our success!


Spelling Bee

Congratulation to all children who reached the semi-finals in the Spelling Bee:

Y1 Azaan Qasim, Y2Eesa Ali, Y3 Ayesha Arif, Y4 Abdullah Nasim, Y5 Saleyha Zafar, Y6 Sameeha Baksh


Sameeha and Eesa fought off fierce competition from the children at Walverden and Briercliffe and have progressed to the finals, which will take place in June.




As part of our celebration of World Book Day, children in Y3 – Y6 enjoyed taking part in a game of Quidditch, which is the game played in the Harry Potter books. The children reported that it was unusual, great fun and very exciting!


Parent/Teacher Meetings

We are holding parent/teacher meetings for parents of children in Reception – Y6 in the week beginning 1st April.

We are trialling doing this slightly different this time. You will need to book an appointment by logging into our school website or school app. All the appointment slots will be available to be booked on Monday 25th March from 4PM.

You will have a five-minute appointment.


Follow these steps:

TO REGISTER (If you haven’t already done so)

  1. Download the app from your app store on a smart phone or tablet. This is called ‘school spider’.
  2. Let Mrs Iqbal have your email address asap.
  3. Check your emails. Your username and password to log-in, is computer generated from School Spider.
  4. Register as a parent on the app for each child that you have.



  1. Choose ‘Dashboard’ tab.
  2. Choose ‘Evenings’ tab.
  3. From 25th March at 4pm, you can book your chosen slot.



Thank you for your support,


Sarah Bell


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