Newsletter 18.11.2022

Friday, 18 November 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,


Attendance and Punctuality

Our overall attendance for the week is 92.19%. This is lower than last week and lower than our target of 96%.


We had 4 hours and 28 minutes of lates this week, meaning vital learning is being missed by some children.

Please ensure that your child is in school before the gates closes at 8.50am each day.



Events this week

  • Anti-bullying week - On Monday many children and staff wore odd socks to promote the message it is ok to be different and to stand out, to support the work we have been doing on equality recently.


  • Maths Workshops – On Monday, Miss Radcliffe led a series of Maths workshops for children and their parents. They explored a wide range of fun activities, all linked to Maths.


  • Girls’ Football - Six girls from Y5 and Y6 took part in a football tournament at the Leisure Box on Tuesday. They won all of their games, with no goals conceded, and have made it through to the final, which will take place on 6th Well done Maryam, Isra, Hiba, Hibba, Sophia, Mahnoor and Halima.

They will also be playing in another tournament on Thursday next week.


  • Hodder Treat - The children in Y1 to Y6 from the Hodder Team had their treat this week, for achieving the most points over the last half term. Well done Hodder


  • On Wednesday, our 12 SWAT ambassadors went to Burnley Youth Theatre, along with children from 12 other schools and carried out drama and puppetry activities linked to anti-bullying week.


  • On Thursday, the police spoke to Y6 about the dangers of knife crime.


  • Thank you to everyone who contributed money for the BBC Children-In-Need appeal. Our school has been bursting with spots and bright colours today. Thank you.


Future Events

  • On Thursday 24th November, Year 4 are having a trip to the cinema


Request from Reception Class

We are in need of unwanted waterproof coats, pants or all-in-one puddlesuits in sizes 4 years to 8 years. Please bring any donations to Miss Cowell or hand them to any staff member.


Online Safety Guide

This week I have attached a fact-sheet about Instagram.


Key messages for parents/carers this week:

-Children under the age of 13 should NOT have any access to Instagram

-Videos on Instagram can be viewed by anyone if privacy settings are not used

-Children using Instagram can be exposed to offensive language and inappropriate content

- Instagram has a number of influencers displaying unrealistic ideals, which children often compare themselves to, resulting in issues with body image

- Young  children often copycat influencer behaviour, not contain age appropriate content.


Parent Governor Election Results

Ballot papers should be returned to school no later than 11am on 22nd November.


Dates for your diary:

  • School photos - Monday 28th November
  • Reception and Y1 Nativity – 30th November at 2pm and 1st December at 9.30am. Tickets will be available soon.
  • Non-uniform day on Friday 2nd Children asked to bring donations of chocolate.
  • Christmas Fair in school – Tuesday 13th December
  • Friday 16th School closes at 3.30pm and reopens on Wednesday 4th January 2023.


Thank you for your support,


Mrs Sarah Bell


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