Art Week

Spring term

During the Spring term we studied the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Step 1 - Find out about Vincent Van Gogh


Step 2 - Appraising the work of Vincent Van Gogh

VG appraisal 1(1).JPG VG appraisal 2(1).JPG VG appraisal 3.JPG

Step 3 - Using paint to explore different tones 

VG tone2.JPG VG tone 3.JPG VG tone2.JPG

Step 4 - Explore brush strokes, in the style of Vincent Van Gogh

VG brush 1.JPG VG brush 2.JPG VG brush3.JPG

Step 5 - Repeating the style of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night

VG style1.JPG VG style2.JPG

VG style3.JPG VG style 4.JPG

VG style 5.JPG VG style 6.JPG

 VG style 7.JPG VG style 8.JPG

Step 6 - Collaborative art work.

We all took a little section of the Starry Night and painted in using the same style as Vincent Van Gogh. These will then all be pieced together to make a large painting using all of our individual pieces.

VG jigsaw1.JPG VG jigsaw2.JPG VG jigsaw3.JPG

VG jigsaw4.JPG VG jigsaw5.JPG VG jigsaw6.JPG


Autumn term

During Art Week, Year 4 studied the work of Lowry.

Step 1 - Appraise the work of Lowry

Lowry1.JPG Lowry2.JPG Lowry3.JPG








Step 2- Exploring terraced houses and factories

House1.JPG House3.JPG House5.JPG

House2.JPG House4.JPG House6.JPG


Step 3: Matchstalk men

We listened to the lyrics of Matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs. We explore how the song linked to the work of Lowry.

 men1.JPG men2.JPG men3.JPG

men4.JPG men5.JPG

men6.JPG  men8.JPG

men7.JPG  men9.JPG

Step 4: Putting all our ideas together

Final1.JPG Final2.JPG Final 3(1).JPG

Our Final piece

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IMG_3565.JPG  IMG_3567.JPG IMG_3569.JPG