

Date homework set:  Thursday 9th March 2023  

To be returned to school by:  Tuesday 14th March 2023

Talking Topic (This should Take no more than 10 minutes)

  • To discuss the following:

“Look at the things you have at home and name the 2D and 3D shapes you can see.”

Maths (This should Take no more than 10 minutes)

  • Learn these number facts:

5x6=30      9x5=45        0x5=0      5x11=55

  • Practice counting on in 10s from 8.

My Maths. Complete the Year 2 task.

Bug Club (This should take no more than 5 minutes)


Log in and enjoy a book. Complete the activities as you read to win coins. You can use the coins to play games and do activities. You can re-read the book as often as you like.     

Spelling and Grammar (This should Take no more than 10 minutes)


Log in and have a go.

Use the user name and password at the front of the book.


Writing (This should Take no more than 10 minutes)

  • Write two sentences.

Key Skill: Write a sentence using the word ‘fearless’ and another using ‘fearful.’

Extra activities


Have a go at learning these words and putting them in a sentence.

plant, poor, pretty, prove


Log on and have a go at your 2, 5, and10 times tables