Fun Run for Year 3, 4, 5, 6

Start: 10th Feb 2020 12:00am

Duration: 1 day

Fun Run

Forms have been sent home this week for the Fun Run.

Year 3, 4, 5, 6 will do their run on Monday 10th February

Years 1, 2 and Reception will do their run on Tuesday 11th February

Please support your child to get as many sponsors as they can and please ensure that they only ask family and friends, and not strangers.

The forms need to be in school by Friday 7th February, so we can write down the number of laps that they have done.

The children will be able to take part in the run, as long as they have raised some money.

They are able to come in fancy dress but this needs to be suitable for running in, including their footwear!