Newsletter 14 6 19 Spelling Bee, Parent Election, Consultation,Graduation, School Trips


Friday, 14 June 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,


Spelling Bee

Well done to all of the children who took part in the Spelling Bee at the Ace Centre on Wednesday this week.

Year 1 – Azaan, Year 2 – Eesa, Year 3 – Ayesha, Year 4 – Abdullah, Year 5 – Saleyha, Year 6 – Sameeha


Mrs Gorrell reported that all children did really well. Eesa and Sameeha made it through to the final but we didn’t come back with any winners on this occasion.  There will be a new round of the Spelling Bee next year!



Quite a few of our children have taken part in school trips over the last couple of weeks.

Reception – Blue Planet Aquarium

Year 4 – Blackpool Zoo

Year 2 – Lytham St Annes


All staff involved have reported to me that the trips have been a huge success and the children have told me how much they have learned and that they have really enjoyed the visits.


Consultation on after school provision

If you have not returned your questionnaire, giving your views on this consultation, please ensure that these are returned to school by Tuesday 18th June. Please include any opinions that you have and whether you would regularly use this provision on a regular basis and on which days.


Parental Elections

There are two parents who would like to be considered for our vacancy as parent governor and therefore we will be holding an election. I will send out the ballot papers and instructions next week for you all to vote.


Children’s University

The children have brought home letters today if they are eligible to take part in the graduation in July. Please ensure that you return the slip if you wish to attend.


Thank you for your support,


Sarah Bell


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