Wednesday 14th July Home learning

Day 3

K.L. Act 2

Today I want you to write the next part of the play. In Act two Puck is told by Oberon to find the purple flower so Oberon’s wife, Titania and the Athenian are given drops of nectar to trick them into liking two characters. However Puck gives the drops to the wrong Athenian.

Your task is to write your own version of the play. What does your Narrator get up to? Do they follow the orders of the King of Fairies or does the narrator make up their own decision?

Enjoy writing Act 2.



K.L. Estimating volume

Today you are looking at estimating volume. Remember estimating means having a good estimate using the information you have. Work through today’s power point and download today’s Maths activities.

Work through ten of the questions.


Today I want you to practice the spellings below. I want you to practice using the pyramid method.





Once you have completed the spellings I want you to look up the word meanings. You can use word hippo to help you.



I want you to reflect on this term’s learning and complete the reflection sheet (in the download section). In each cloud, answer each question.


KL: Bodhi Day

Read through the information on the PPT on Bodhi day celebrations. Decorate the Bodhi leaf with facts about how Bodhi Day is celebrated and make it colourful to represent the celebration. KL: Reflection-Finding happiness and peace. Look at the statements that relate to the Buddhist teachings. Rank these in order starting with which you think is the most important. Using the top 3 statements can you write three rules for others to follow. Create a poster with the rules and images.



I want you to take part in a P.E activity. Can you skip for ten minutes.

Files to Download