Year 3LV Golden Eagle 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hussain

Welcome to Year 3, Class 3LV

Golden Eagle Bird Photos With Pictures 

We are the Golden Eagles


Class teacher: Miss Veldon                       Teaching assistant: Mrs Hussain                                      PPA teacher: Mrs Brennan


   1Jayda.jpg                                 IMG_6590.jpeg



      Reedley Primary School rules: 

    Is it kind?  Is it safe?  Is it my best?




Our PE day is on Thursday.

Please ensure your child has their P.E pumps and kit in school. These will be kept in school and sent home for washing at the end of each half term. If your child has earrings, they should be removed for PE days. Staff in school are not permitted to do this.



Homework will be sent home on a Thursday and will be expected back in school by the following Tuesday. Children are not expected to spend more than 10 minutes on each task. We will be sending home Maths homework, English homework and talk homework.

Additional tasks to support learning are available too, should your child want to spend a little longer learning at home. This will be available via Times Table Rockstars, MyMaths,, Bug Club, Purple mash and also some children will have access to Maths Whizz.  (Click on each one for a link to the sites)



All children are expected to read to an adult as often as possible but atleast once a week. Please date and sign the reading diary when your child has read at home. This is imperative if we are to help our children build their reading comprehension and reading stamina in general.

Reading books and diaries should be available in school every day so that we can also hear your child read.

See the source image


Water Bottles

Children are to bring a reusable water bottle to use each day, to help keep them hydrated. Please make sure these are only filled with water and are clearly labelled with your child’s name. These can be refilled with water throughout the day if needed. Water bottles can also be purchased from Mrs Iqbal in the school office.

500ml Biodegradable EcoPure Water Bottle for School - Red - Scallywagz  Schoolwear



You will find the meet the teacher video, along with a powerpoint at the bottom of this page.

This video is in English and Urdu.


 I am sure we will have a fantastic year working together.

Take care

Miss Veldon

To keep up to date with what we have been doing in class, why not follow us on our school Twitter page: @ReedleyPrimary

Year 3LV Golden Eagle: News items

28/06 Newsletter, by Miss Fegan

26/06 Newsletter, by Miss Fegan

21/06 Newsletter, by Miss Fegan

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