


                                                                                                                                        Friday, 28 March 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,

Eid al fitr

We wish all of our Muslim families Eid Mubarak. I hope you all have a lovely time celebrating.

School will be closed on Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April.


Just a reminder that these days have been built into the school calendar. We get allocated a number of staff training days each year. We have been doing the training after school to allow staff and families to have these days as school holidays.


Families of children in Y3 are asked to email 1 or 2 pictures of their child celebrating Eid with their family. This will be shown in the Eid assembly that Year 3 will do for parents on Wednesday 23rd April at 2.30pm. These can be emailed to


Non Uniform Day

The children can come to school in their home clothes on Wednesday 2nd April.

These can be their Eid clothes or just other home clothes.

They do not need to bring any money for this.

Packed Lunches

We have been informed that we are now required to ensure that all waste is fully recycled.

We have increased our capacity for recycling but only have limited facilities to recycle all of the lunchtime waste from packed lunches.

From Wednesday 2nd April, all uneaten food waste from packed lunches and any packaging needs to be taken back home in the child’s lunchbox. There will be the option for children to scrape out any yoghurt left before putting pots back in their lunchbox.

Please use reusable containers where possible to reduce the amount of waste eg a reusable drink bottle rather than having a new plastic bottle every day

Please make every effort to recycle all waste that is brought home.



Whole school attendance this week is 91.12%.

These five classes had the highest attendance this week.

 Y5H Ephemeroptera


Reception Chick


Y4P Red Fox


Y2C Coot


Y5 Dragonfly




Y2S Swan Class only had one child arrive late this week. Well done!

Throughout the school we had 61 late marks this week.

Children are missing vital learning by arriving when lessons have started.

Please ensure all children are in school by 8.50am


Parent Meetings

Thank you to all of our families who were able to meet their child’s teacher recently. If you were unable to do so, please call school to arrange a meeting. This could be before or after school. It can either be face-to-face or over the phone.


Events this week

Some Y6 children took part in the Bikeability scheme this week. Some children learnt to ride a bike for the first time, others developed their skills for riding a bike on the road.



Clubs will resume from Wednesday 30th April. Letters have been sent home so that children can sign up for the clubs. Please ensure these are back in school no later than Wednesday 2nd April.


Upcoming Events

Easter Activities - I have attached two posters below with details of family activities over the forthcoming school holiday closure. One is for craft activities, open to all families. The other poster is for activities which are available for families who are entitled to free school meals.

Use the QR code to find out more information. Some sessions need to be booked in advance.

Attendance Treat - On Friday 4th April all children with at least 96% attendance from 13th January to Thursday 3rd April will be able to watch the magic show from Taz.


Key Dates


School will be closed on Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April.

School will also be closed on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th June.



School will be closed from Monday 7th April for the Easter break.

It will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.


Y3 Eid Assembly – Families of children in Y3 invited to the assembly at 2.30pm on 23rd April


Bank Holiday – School will be closed on Monday 5th May for a national bank holiday


Y6 SATS test will take place from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May.


Y4 Times Table Check will take place between Monday 2nd June to Friday 13th June


Y4 Eid Assembly - Families of children in Y4 invited to the assembly at 2.30pm on 18th June


Phonics Screening Check for Y1 and some Y2 children to take place from Wednesday 11th June to Friday 13th June.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Sarah Bell, Headteacher





























































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