28/06 Newsletter


                                                                                                                                           Friday, 28 June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,


We had 8 hours of lates this week.


Y4P Starling Class and Y6H Wildcat Class had no lates this week. Well done!



Our overall attendance for this week is 92.51%.

Only two classes achieved the 96% target this week.

Y3V Golden Eagle Class achieved 98.57% attendance.

Y2C Woodpecker Class achieved 97.70% attendance. 


Leave From School

Please remember that we do not authorise children taking leave from school. From September the cost of fines will be increasing.

In this school year we have lost 1041 school days through families taking their children out of school.  This is equivalent of 5 years and 91 days of learning.

This is learning that often can’t be made up and children may continue to have these gaps in their learning as they go through school.

There are 13 weeks of school holiday time each year and this is when you are expected to take any family holidays.


Library Books and Reading Books

All school and reading library books need to be back in school next week so that the stock can be prepared for September. There will be a £5 charge for any library or reading books that have been lost or damaged.

The children will still be reading books in school during the last 2 weeks and you could borrow books from your local library to read at home.


Home Learning Thursday 4th July

School will be closed to children on Thursday 4th July as the school is being used as a polling station for the general election.

Teachers will be setting work for the children to complete. This will mostly be online. If your child does not have access to the internet or a device, please let your teacher know and they can set some work on paper.



The children have met their new class teacher this week and had two days with them. They will be back with their usual class teacher now for the rest of the school year.



Thank you to the families who were able to join us for Sports Day for our Y3, 4, 5 and 6 children on Tuesday.

Children in Reception had a dance session today from Sanderson’s Dance.


Eid Assembly – Y4

Next week, our Year 4 families are invited to attend our Eid assembly on Monday 1st July at 2.45pm.

They will be coming in non-uniform/Eid clothes.


Reception Stay and Play

If you have a child starting school with us in September, please come along to our Stay and Play Sessions.

These are:

Tuesday 2nd July 9.30 – 10.15am

Wednesday 3rd July 9.30 – 10.15am

Wednesday 10th July 2.15 – 3pm


Pupil End Of Year Report

All end of year reports will be emailed to families in the last week of term. You must ensure that we have an up to date email address for you. If you require this as a paper copy, please let the staff in the office know.


Eid Fair

I am pleased to announce that we raised £1100 from our Eid Fair. Thank you again to everyone who attended. This money is absolutely vital to the school at a time when our budgets are over-stretched and the cost of resources continue to rise.


Key Dates

  • School will be closed all day on Thursday 4th July
  • School closes for the summer holiday at 1:30pm on Friday 19th
  • School reopens to pupils after the summer holiday on Tuesday 3rd


Mrs Sarah Bell



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