21/06 Newsletter


                                                                                                                                           Friday, 21 June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,



Our overall attendance for this week is 90.83%.

The only class who met the attendance target this week was Y3V Golden Eagle Class with 97.42% attendance.

This is very disappointing. Too many children are missing vital learning.



We had 8 hours and 30 minutes of lates this week.


Y5H Martes Martes Class and Y1L Fox Class had no lates this week.



If anyone has any items of school uniform that they have finished with, we would be grateful if you could donate them to school, so we can offer them to families in need. They need to be in good condition and can be left with Mrs Iqbal at the school office. Once we have collected some items we will let you know how you can receive any items for your children.


Events this week

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the school fair yesterday. There were so many happy faces around school.

The following prizes have been awarded following participation in events in the fair.


  • Guess The Name of the Teddy (Barney) – Raihan Hussain Y6E
  • Number of Sweets in the Jar – Hassan Hamdan Y4R
  • Treasure Hunt – Aysha Abdul Basit Y3V
  • Skipping Game – Abeeha Karim Y2S
  • Chocolate Hamper Raffle – Umme-Haani Zahra RC
  • Pin Tail on The Dinosaur – Rua Iqbal Y4P
  • Football Challenge – Hit The Crossbar – Oscar Howorth Y1K and Haris Y5H


Learning Ambassadors had a trip to the Prairie, working alongside children in other schools. We had a great day and the children got to try different sports throughout the day.


Upcoming Events


Sports Day



Tuesday 25th June


Year 5 and Year 6

Tuesday 25th June


Year 3 and Year 4


  • Y4 EID ASSEMBLY - Monday 1st July at 2.45pm for Y4 families to attend.

Key Dates

  • School will be closed all day on Thursday 4th July
  • School closes for the summer holiday at 1:30pm on Friday 19th
  • School reopens to pupils after the summer holiday on Tuesday 3rd


Mrs Sarah Bell



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