05.05.20 Mrs Bell's Baby and Home learning
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I’m sure you’d like to celebrate with us and wish congratulations to Mrs Bell and her husband on the safe arrival of baby Charlie Bell, born on Saturday 2nd May. Mrs Bell and her husband are delighted that there has been a little ray of sunshine through these times of uncertainty. When school is fully open to all children, I am sure she will bring him in for a visit!
Home Learning
Thank you for sharing your home learning with us. We received a very exciting Science experiment from Ayah, Zak, Hannah and Hussein who created a volcano in their back garden. We will put photos of this on our school twitter account. (@ReedleyPrimary)
If you wish to send photos of your home learning to us, please email them to rainbow@reedley.lancs.sch.uk
The ‘Home Learning’ pages have been updated to reflect your child’s year group. You will find links to video clips explaining how to complete Maths activities from ‘White Rose Maths’ and also a new English page with work from Lancashire’s English Team. These can all be completed in the exercise book that we provided for your child. You do not need to print anything out.
Teachers are continuously reviewing your child’s online learning and setting tasks based on their next steps.
For those struggling to access the website, please read the following instructions.
1. Access the school website. http://www.reedley.lancs.sch.uk/
2. Hover the mouse over the pencil at the top of the page that says ‘Home Learning’. This will
bring up a list of year groups.
3. Hover over the year group of your choice to bring up the ‘Maths’ and the ‘English’ pages. Click
on these pages to access the tasks.
4. Click on the year group tab to open activities linked to the rest of the curriculum.
5. For access to online learning tasks (e.g. My Maths, Spag.com), please click the ‘General Home
Learning’ tab.
If you have any problems accessing the learning tasks, please speak to your child’s teacher during well-being phone calls.
Thank you again for your continued support. Stay safe!
Mrs K. Gorrell
Acting Headteacher