Year 1LC Herons 2024 - 2025
Miss Cowell
Mrs Latif
Hello and welcome to the ‘Herons’ class information page. I am your child’s teacher, Miss Cowell. On Thursday and Fridays, Mrs O’Brien is the class teacher. Mrs Latif and Miss Prenci also work in our classroom. |
Below you will find lots of useful information to support your child during the year.
UNIFORM Boys - Black or grey trousers, white polo shirt and a royal blue sweatshirt Girls – Black or grey dress or skirt, white polo shirt, blue checked dress, blue sweatshirt or cardigan. Girls can wear leggings or trousers.
The children need to wear black school shoes with no logos. Trainers are not part of the school uniform.
Girls can choose to wear a headscarf if they wish to. These should be plain black, blue or white and should have no decorations, and must not be fastened by pins. They should not be longer than shoulder length and must be removed for PE.
PE Our PE day will be on a Friday. Children need to have a red polo t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. Kits and PE bags (not pumps) can be bought from the school office. Children can have plain black tracksuit bottoms for outside PE when the weather is colder. |
The PE kit should be brought into school and remain here until the end of each term, when it can be taken home for washing.
Jewellery is not allowed in school except for a small pair of stud earrings and a watch. For PE lessons, the earrings must be covered over with plasters (provided by the parent) or removed. The children must be able to remove them themselves. Please keep all other jewellery at home at all times for safety purposes. If I have to take it from your child, it could get lost.
READING BOOK AND BOOK BAG Children need a school bookbag – not a rucksack as we do not have the space to store these in the day. They need to bring this to school every day with their reading books. |
Books are changed on a Friday. We ask that children read with an adult at home for around 10 minutes each day and their record is signed.
Children should bring a clear, plastic water bottle everyday with their name on. This should not have juice in. Children are welcome to have a drink after playtimes and during independent learning time. Water should be drunk at the water station and not at tables.
HOMEWORK Homework books are sent home on a Thursday and the work should be completed and returned by the following Tuesday. Homework is usually to consolidate something we have already learnt in class and it is really important that it is completed. Your child has access to Numbots and Purple Mash. Passwords are stuck at the front of the homework book. If your child is not able to complete the work, please let me know. If work is not done, staff will chat to you to check that everything is ok. |
Your child may have access to Maths Whizz which is a Mathematics based programme. If your child has a log in, they can access this at home and in school. We recommend that they try to do around 10 minutes each day on this at home to support their work in school.
HANDWRITING In school we use the following handwriting formations. It would be really helpful if you ask you child to help you do some writing at home. Maybe they can write the shopping list or a list of jobs that you need to do in town.
We have phonics everyday first thing in the morning. This is important as it provides the building blocks to develop good reading and writing skills. If your child is late they miss this vital learning.
Year 1LC Herons: News items
28/03/2025 Newsletter, by Miss Haley
14.03.2025 Newsletter, by Miss Haley
07/02 Newsletter, by Miss Fegan