Lower Reedley 2024/2025 2024 - 2025

Miss Cowell

Miss Latif

Mrs Sange

Mrs Collins

Welcome to Lower Reedley


Welcome to all parents of children in Year 1 and 2. The Lower Reedley Team look forward to getting to know you as well as your children during the school year. There will be a number of formal opportunities to discuss your child's progress during the year. However, if you have any concerns at other times please ring and speak to Mrs Iqbal who will arrange a telephone consultation with your child's teacher.

Lower Reedley consists of two Year 1 classes and two Year 2 classes. The children access their classrooms from the playground or the Reception outdoor area.

Each week homework will be sent home on a Thursday including a Reading For Pleasure book mark at the back of the homework book. This should be returned on Tuesday. Feel free to help and support your child with their homework but please do not complete it for them. Reading Books will be collected and sent home on Fridays. Your child will recieve two books a week. One of the books will be linked to the phonics phase your child is working at and the other will be one of their choice.

Children must have P.E. pumps and P.E. kit in school to be able to participate in weekly lessons. This will be kept in school at all times. Year 1 have P.E. on Friday Year 2 have P.E. on Tuesday. All earrings must be removed or plasters used to cover them. The children are responsible for this so please make sure if they are unable to take out their earrings or put on plasters that this is done at home.

Please ensure that school is kept up-to-date with medical/dietary requirements, photographic permissions and any changes in personal details such as phone numbers.

More information about each class and the learning for each half-term can be found on each individual class webpage. Make sure you check back regularly to see examples of the wonderful learning happening in Reedley School.

Finally, I hope your child(ren) enjoy their time in Lower Reedley this year. There are some very exciting topics planned and we look forward to seeing and sharing their progress during the year.

Thank you

Mrs Collins (Phase Leader) and the Lower Reedley team.


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Lower Reedley 2024/2025: News items

28/03/2025 Newsletter, by Miss Haley

14.03.2025 Newsletter, by Miss Haley

07/02 Newsletter, by Miss Fegan

Lower Reedley 2024/2025: Blog items

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Lower Reedley 2024/2025: Gallery items

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