05/07 Newsletter
Friday, 05 July 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
We had 7 hours of lates this week.
Y1K Squirrel Class and Y3V Golden Eagle had no lates this week. Well done!
Our overall attendance for this week is 89.97%.
No class achieved 96% attendance this week.
Sports Ambassadors
Some of our Y5 children have completed a Junior Play Leadership Award from the Pendle School Sport Partnership. They will be leading sessions for younger children at lunchtimes. Well done Hawa, Zainab, Hussain, Abdul. Maliha, Adam, Yusuf, Farhaan, Aminah, Aleeza, Kai, Farkhanda, Abbas, Abdullah, Eiliya, Hareem and Carmel.
Reception Stay and Play
It was lovely this week to see some of the children who will be joining us in Reception in September.
The next one is on Wednesday 10th July 2.15 – 3.00pm.
School Swimming
We will have our pop-up swimming pool back at school in September.
We are having showers installed in school over the summer break and all children will be expected to take a shower before and after being in the pool. Showers will be private but children will be in their swimming costumes for this. We also have individual changing cubicles with partition curtains.
Children who will be in Years 3 – 6 will have swimming lessons and will need:
Girls - swimming costume, towel, swimming hat, dressing gown and flip-flops/crocs
Boys – swimming trunks or swimming shorts, towel, flip-flops/crocs, dressing gown
Children need to cover all the objectives from the National Curriculum and this will only be achieved if they all attend all of the lessons from Y3 to Y6,
In addition to this, Y4 children will each have three sessions at the swimming pool from October to November, so that they can apply their skills in a larger pool and carry out water safety skills.
- In September, Y5 and Y6 will use the pool for the first two weeks of term (week beginning 3rd Sept and 9th Sept)
- Y3 and Y4 will use the pool for the last two weeks in September (week beginning 16th Sept and 23rd Sept)
Children’s Books
Please remember that children will be bringing some of their used books home. It would be a good idea to send them in with a carrier bag to help them carry them. They may come home over several days.
New uniform is available to buy for September. Next week, Year 5 children will receive one free navy blue jumper, ready for Y6, but they must not wear them until September. Further jumpers can be purchased for £9.50.
Key Dates
- Y6 children will attend Whitehough Outdoor Centre on Friday 12th July – they will return by 4.20pm
- Y6 families are invited to our Leavers’ Assembly at 9.15am on Friday 19th July
- School closes for the summer holiday at 1:30pm on Friday 19th
- School reopens to pupils after the summer holiday on Tuesday 3rd
Mrs Sarah Bell