06.10.20 Non-uniform day on 16 Oct, dropping off procedures, self isolation, symptoms of COVID


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dear Parents/Carers


Just One Tree Appeal

We are asking the children to support the Just One Tree Appeal again this year. If the children donate £1 to school on FRIDAY 16th OCTOBER, then they can come to school wearing their own clothes for the day.

These need to be warm and sensible clothes, not a dressing up costume. It would be a good idea to wash them after school, as you would with your child’s uniform, to prevent any possible spread of an infection.

For every £1 that is donated, a tree will be planted somewhere in the world.


COVID PROCEDURES – dropping children off at school

  1. Only parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 are to come into the school playground each morning, as we need to limit the number of people in this space.

Children in Years 3 – 6 should bring themselves into the playground.

  1. Our school gates will now be closed at 9am so all children in Years 1 – 6 need to be in school before this time.

8:40  - Year 1 and Year 2 children to arrive

8:45 - Year 3 and Year 4 children to arrive

8:50 - Year 5 and Year 6 children to arrive

  1. Reception children are dropped off at the red door by parents/carers.

This door will now close at 9.10am. Please ensure that the children are in school before 9.10am.


Thank you for following the procedures so far, including the one-way system and the staggered drop off and pick up times. We do appreciate your cooperation with this,



If you are informed by any establishment that your child needs to self-isolate, then you must ensure that this takes place. If children are self-isolating from school, they must not attend a mosque class or other club or group. Similarly, if they are self-isolating from a mosque, they must not come to school until the 14 days of isolation is over.

During this time, it is a criminal offense for your child to be out and mixing with other people and you could receive a fine of up to £10, 000 for breaking this rule.

The children must not play out, go shopping, visit other people’s homes.



It is very important that you look out for any symptoms that your child may have and get a test immediately if they have any symptoms of COVID.


Sending them into school with symptoms of COVID will put the rest of the children, and the staff, at risk of contracting the infection and could lead to unnecessary illness and time away from school for all concerned.


We are doing our very best in school to limit the possible spread of COVID and we need all of our families to do the same.


Thank you for your support

Mrs Sarah Bell


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