07/03/25 Newsletter
Friday, 07 March 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
There are still a few spaces remaining if you would like to attend the Iftar on Tuesday. If you wish to attend, please contact Mrs Iqbal to let her know the number of people who will attend and what food you will be able to provide.
Whole school attendance this week is 94.96%. This is much better than we have had recently. These five classes had the highest attendance this week.
Punctuality RCK Chicks, Y2S Swan and Y6E Hydrometra Stagnorum Classes had only 1 late this week. Please ensure all children are in school by 8.50am A number of letters were sent out this week to families, where the children have been late on a number of occasions. |
Parent Feedback Mrs Iqbal has sent out a link today to all families so that you can share your views about Reedley School. The survey will close at 11am on Friday 14th March. Thank you.
Road-safety Please ensure that children get out of your car safely. The safest way to do this is for them to get out onto a pavement and not in the middle of the road.
Upcoming Events Thursday 13th March – Children from Y1 to Y6 can take part in Round 1 of the Spelling Bee. The words have already been sent home. See Mrs Gorrell if you need further information. |
Fundraising On Friday 21st March, many schools will be supporting the BBC Comic Relief appeal. I am inviting children to dress up in red clothes for the day and to bring £1, however we will send the money to a charity to support Palestinian children instead. If you prefer to donate to Comic Relief, you can make this donation online yourselves instead of donating to school. I will send out further details next week of the charity that will donate to. |
Events This Week Year 1 children went on their trip to ‘Bring Yer Wellies’ The children made houses as part of their topic on the Great Fire of London. During the trip these were set on fire under controlled circumstances, so the children could see that the houses in the fire of 1666 burnt down because they were too close together.
World Book Day Well done to everyone who helped to make World Book Day 2025 a huge success. Thank you to the adult who were able to come into school for the World Book Day sessions and for supporting your children with the costumes.
Parent Meetings If your child has additional needs, you have been sent a time to meet your child’s classteacher on Friday 21st March for a discussion about their progress. Please let us know if you are unable to attend and we can reschedule. There is no need for you to book an additional meeting with the classteacher. Parents of the rest of the children in the school are invited to make an appointment with their child’s classteacher on either Tuesday 25th March or Wednesday 26th March. You will be able to book appointments from 4pm on Monday on School Spider.
Key Dates Fundraising - Wear red to school and bring £1 donation.
Eid School will be closed on Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April. School will also be closed on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th June.
Easter School will be closed from Monday 7th April for the Easter break. It will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.
Y6 SATS test will take place from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May.
Y4 Times Table Check will take place between Monday 2nd June to Friday 13th June
Phonics Screening Check (for Y1 children and any Y2 children who didn’t meet the required pass mark last year) will take place from Wednesday 11th June to Friday 13th June.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Sarah Bell, Headteacher