08.07.22 Newsletter Events this week Warm Weather Attendance Parking Clubs finished for year


Friday, 08 July 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,


Transition Days

The children from Reception to Year Five have all had their ‘Practice Days’ this week, where they spent two days in their new class, with their new teacher and teaching assistant. They have hopefully found out lots about their staff and they have also chosen their new class names for September. I hope that these days helped your child prepare for their new class. Thank you for being so understanding with them using different doors over the last two days! We are back to normal now for the remainder of the school year.


Hothersall Lodge

Our Year 6 classes have each had a day at Hothersall Lodge this week, carrying out adventurous activities. I have heard lots of exciting accounts of adventures and activities where children have tried new things.

Well done Year Six!


Football Tournament

A group of our girls from Y2 to Y6, took part in a girls’ football tournament at the Prairie Sports Village this week. They played a number of matches against other local schools and won a Premier League Certificate for their communication skills. Well done girls!




Warm Weather

Ice lollies will be on sale after school whilst the weather is warmer over the next week – as long as we have lollies in stock.  They will be 50p each.

Please also send your child with a sun hat and apply sun-cream before they come to school, when the weather is warmer.




Attendance and Punctuality

There have been 8 hours and 33 minutes of learning lost this week due to children arriving late to school.

Our overall attendance for the week is 90.5%. Good attendance is 96 % and above.

Please ensure that your child is in school by 8.50am each day.



Please ensure that drivers do not block the driveways of local residents, some of whom have complained to me this week about this issue.







After School Clubs

All after school clubs have finished now for this school year.

We hope that your child has enjoyed a club if they have attended one this year.




Children from Reception to Y5 will be bringing their annual school report home today. Y6 will bring theirs on Monday as some children are on the school trip.



Eid Mubarak

I would like to wish ‘Eid Mubarak’ to all of our families who will be celebrating Eid al-Adha over the weekend.






School Holidays

School will close on Friday 22nd July at 1.30pm and we will re-open on Friday 2nd September.


Thank you for your support,


Mrs Sarah Bell




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