11.09.20 Covid-19 related pupil absence A quick reference guide for parents
What to do if: |
Action needed: |
Return to school when: |
My child has Covid-19 symptoms;
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL Contact school to inform us. Self-isolate the whole household for 14 days. Get a test. Call 119 or book on-line. INFORM SCHOOL IMMEDIATLEY ABOUT TEST RESULT If your child has any symptoms whilst at school, you must come and collect them immediately. Any siblings that are also in school will also be sent home, even if they don’t have symptoms. |
The test comes back negative |
My child tests positive for Covid-19 |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL Contact school to inform us Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 10 days. Self-isolate the whole household for 14 days. Bubble isolates/remote learning. |
They feel better. They can return after 10 days even if they have a cough or loss of taste/smell. These symptoms can last for several weeks. |
My child tests negative |
CONTACT THE SCHOOL Discuss when your child can come back to school (same day/next day) |
The test comes back negative. |
My child is ill with symptoms not linked to Covid-19 |
FOLLOW USUAL SCHOOL ABSENCE POLICY PROCEDURE – inform us of the absence and keep your child at home until they are better. |
After 48hrs following the last bout of sickness/diarrhoea if this is the cause of absence |
Someone in my household has Covid-19 symptoms |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL Contact school. Self-isolate the whole household for 14 days. Household members to get tested. INFORM SCHOOL IMMEDIATLEY ABOUT TEST RESULTS |
The test comes back negative. |
Someone in my household tests positive for Covid-19 |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL Contact school Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days |
The child has completed 14 days of isolation |
NHS test & trace has identified my child has been in close contact of someone with symptoms of confirmed Covid-19 |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT SCHOOL Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days |
The child has completed 14 days of isolation |
We/my child has travelled and has to self-isolate as a period of quarantine. |
Do not take unauthorised leave in term time. Consider quarantine requirements and FCO advice when booking travel Eg returning from a destination where quarantine is needed. Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days from return date. Self-isolate the whole household. |
The quarantine period of 14 days has been completed |
We have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT SCHOOL Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused again. |
School inform you that restrictions have been lifted and your child can return to school. |
My child’s bubble is closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak in school. |
YOUR CHILD MUST NOT COME TO SCHOOL At home, support your child with remote education provided by school. Your child will need to isolate for 14 days. |
School will inform you when the bubble will be reopened. |