12.11.21 Newsletter Reading award Maternity leave fundraiser CIN punctuality (002)
Friday, 12 November 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
This will be my last newsletter for a number of months as my maternity leave starts from Monday.
Miss Tracey and Mrs Gorrell will be the headteachers during this time.
Sue Dean Writing Award
Each half term a child in school receives our writing award. Last week this was awarded to Hasnain Bin Amir. His teacher nominated him for the award due to his improved use of full stops and capital letters in his sentences. Hasnain can now apply his phonic sounds to help with his spelling and is reading his work to check it makes sense. We are so proud of how his focus and concentration has improved in writing.
Upcoming events
- Fundraiser
Please send all sponsor forms back to school by Friday 19th November at the latest.
The fundraiser will take place in the week beginning 22nd November, during the children’s PE lessons.
- BBC Children In Need Appeal
On Friday 19th November your children are invited to bring £1 to school, in return for wearing their own clothes for the day. All of this money will go directly to the BBC Children In Need Appeal.
This week 3 hours 10 mins of learning was missed due to children arriving after the bell at 8.50am. This not only disrupts their education, but that of other members of the class too.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Sarah Bell