17/9/19 Fun run total, attendance treat, teachers for September.docx


Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Dear Parents/Carers


Fun Run

Thank you again to all who contributed to raising money for our new books, by taking part in the Fun Run. We raised £3006.15 in total. This is amazing and will help us to get some really good books for our library.

The class that raised the most was the African Penguins (Y3 – Miss Livesey’s class). These children will be able to have their free non-uniform day on Friday 19th July. As a class, they raised £528.05.

Certificates and other prizes from the Fun Run will be awarded in assembly on Monday, including awarding the signed Burnley football shirt to the child who raised the most money throughout the school.


Non Uniform Day

All of the children are invited to wear non-uniform clothes on Monday 22nd July, in return for £1. This is not ‘fancy dress’ just an opportunity for the children to wear their home clothes for a day.


Attendance Treat

The children who have achieved 96%+ attendance for the term will have a treat on Monday 22nd July. There will also be a range of awards presented to children who have had good attendance for the whole year.


Classes for Next Year

Classteachers are listed overleaf from September. There are some members of staff who are leaving us this summer: Mr Gaughan, Miss Wade, Mrs Cheetham and Miss Ashraf.


School Closure

School will close at 1:15pm on Tuesday 23rd July and will reopen for Y1 – Y6 on Tuesday 3rd  September.

(Our new Reception children will have been given their starting date and time by Miss McKenzie).


Thank you for your support


Sarah Bell







New teachers for next year



Support assistant


Class name

Early Reedley – Phase Leader:  Miss McKenzie



Miss McKenzie

Mrs Khan

Happy Hippos



Mrs King

Mrs Mehmood

Laughing Lions


Other staff in the department: Miss Ashworth and Miss Fenn


Lower Reedley – Phase Leader: Mrs Collins


Miss Cowell

Mrs Parker   (Mondays)

Mrs Latif




Mrs Ellis

Miss Crabtree




Mrs Collins

Mrs Latif




Mrs Sange

Miss Latif



Middle Reedley – Phase Leader: Mrs Lambert



Miss Livesey

Miss Bashir

Miss Arshad

Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds


Miss Child

Mrs Nelson

Artic Wolves



Miss Veldon

Mrs Wilson

Tufted Tit-Mice



Mrs Lambert

Mrs Butt

Blissful Butterflies


Upper Reedley – Phase Leader: Miss Pool



Mrs Hardman

Miss Brown

Red-Headed Vultures



Mrs Daley

Miss Harvey

Curious Bactrian Camels



Miss Pool

Miss Price-Hunt

Snow Leopards



Miss Barnes

Mrs Phillips

Triumphant Tigers


Other staff in the department: Mrs Dar


Mrs Tariq and Mrs Parker will work throughout the school covering weekly sessions in classes from Y1 – Y6.


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