20.09.20 Very important letter for parents and carers of pupils in Year 4

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Year 4, 


We have been informed that a second child from Year 4 has tested positive for COVID-19.

Therefore, all of the children and staff in Year 4 need to remain in self-isolation at home, for 14 days from the last possible contact with the child.

The last day that the child was in school was Tuesday 15th September.

This means that Year 4 will reopen to pupils and staff on Wednesday 30thSeptember.


I know that this is disappointing for all concerned, but we must follow the procedures from Public Health, in order to prevent any possible further spread of the virus.


Home learning

School staff will continue to make telephone contact with the children in Y4 every day to spend time discussing the work they have been carrying out. There are lots of tasks being set by the classteachers, and details of these can be found on the school website Look for your child’s class page and then click the tab for HOME LEARNING.


Don’t forget that you can message your child’s teacher during this period of time, if you need help or support with the learning.


Mrs Lambert –

Miss John –


If you need to collect an additional pack of work on paper, these will be available from 13:00 on Wednesday 23rd September. Please call Mrs Iqbal to pre-order a pack, so that we can have it ready for you to collect.


We look forward to seeing all of the children back in school on Wednesday 30th September.


Thank you for your support


Mrs Sarah Bell
