24/01 Newsletter



                                                                                                                                     Friday, 24 January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,




Whole school attendance this week is 95.83%.


These five class had the highest attendance this week. Nine classes in total met the target of 96%+ with two classes achieving 100% and a further two classes achieving 99%.

 This is fantastic attendance.


Dragonfly Y5T


Hydrometra Stagnorum Y6E


Red Fox Y4P


Ephemeroptera Y5






Year 2S Swan Class and Red Fox Y4P both had the lowest number of lates this week.

Please remember that school starts promptly at 8.50am.


Uniform Reminder


Just a couple of reminders about school uniform.


Jewellery - Jewellery is not allowed in school expect for a small pair of stud earrings and a watch. For PE lessons, the earrings must be covered over with plasters (provided by the parent) or removed. The children must be able to remove them themselves. Please keep all other jewellery at home at all times for safety purposes. If it has to be taken from a child, it could get lost in school.


Names - Please ensure that all items of clothing are named, then they be returned to your child if the items become lost.



Events This Week

-          Y5 and Y6 had a dance session with Sanderson’s dance today. There were all learning some great dance moves.


-          Y6 had a school trip to the Museum of Lancashire in Preston this week to further their understanding of World War 2.

Faizan from Y6 told me that he found out how people disposed of incendiary bombs. He also had to identify different aircraft and looked at propaganda posters. He found it interesting to see how the volunteers used the fire engines during the war. Faizan said he learnt lots of new information and really enjoyed the trip.

Zubair from Y6 enjoyed learning about the air-raid wardens and how they prepared everybody for an attack. He said that he found out about the origins of the war and how it affected lots of people. He knew lots of facts about the war related to England and Germany including how to identify their planes by the sound of the engines.


Upcoming Events

On Friday 31st January, children from Y1 – 6 will have an assembly from Rocksteady. They work in schools to deliver assemblies so that children are aware of different musical instruments. They also deliver musical tuition lessons in schools to children – funded by parents. After they have done the assembly, there may be an opportunity for our families to sign up for their child to have music lessons in school.

I will send further information out once they have visited.


Key Dates

Mental Health Awareness Day  - children to wear uniforms inside out on Friday 7th February.

Half term – school will be closed from Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February and will reopen on Monday 24th February.

World Book Day – Thursday 6th March. Dress as a book character.

Eid - School will be closed on Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April.

Easter – School will be closed from Monday 7th April for the Easter break. It will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.

School will be closed on Thursday 1st May as school is being used as a polling station.



Thank you for your support,

Mrs Sarah Bell



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