25 6 19 Mrs Hall, election, childrens university
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Dear Parents/Carers,
Mrs Hall
Mrs Hall has been at Reedley since September 2016, working as the Special Needs Coordinator, Assistant Headteacher and classteacher. She will be leaving Reedley on Friday to take up a position working in another sector. We all wish her well.
Miss Louise Cowell will be taking over as Special Needs Coordinator.
Parent Elections
Ballot papers were distributed last week for the parent governor elections. The closing date for votes is Monday 1st July at 11am. Completed ballot papers need to be returned in the designated envelopes, and the voting number on the ballot paper needs to match that on the envelope provided.
Children’s University
If your child has received a letter for the graduation and you wish to attend the event on Thursday 4th July from 2pm, please ensure that your reply slip is returned by Friday 28th June.
Sport’s Days
Unfortunately, we had to cancel the sport’s days today for Y3 – 6 due to the rain. Sport’s days are now as follows:
- Thursday 27th June Y3&Y4 1pm to 2pm and Y5&Y6 2pm to 3pm
- Friday 28th June Reception 9.30am
- Friday 28th June Y2&Y3 2pm to 3pm
I am aware that some Y6 children are out on visiting their high schools on Thursday, however we have no alternative dates available for the sport’s days.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Sarah Bell