27.03.20 Home Learning Guidance
Friday 27th March
Dear Parents/Carers,
School is closed to the majority of children. I am required to remind parents that the government guidance on the current situation states:
“…the fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society”.
Thank you to those key worker parents and carers who were allocated a place but decided to keep their child(ren) at home.
Thank you for the many sacrifices you are making. Some people’s jobs are challenged and some jobs have been lost. You have all our empathy if this has happened to you. I wish you well in your self-isolation and your efforts to educate your child. Please just do what you can with what our teachers are providing. Some parents have been ringing into school, regarding work that has been set online. This can be found on the school website under ‘Home Learning’ (see below) NOT on the School Spider App. The school website address is: http://www.reedley.lancs.sch.uk/
Our children are just as scared as we are right now. They not only hear everything going on around them, but they feel our tension and our anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. You know your children best and you know how to support them. Please do not feel pressure to complete masses of schoolwork. We have provided this material for you if you
wish to use it. Please try to do a range of activities: play board games, watch films, draw and paint, bake, start a book and read together as a family or snuggle under warm blankets and just talk.
Please do not worry about your child regressing in school. Every child is in the same position and they will all be okay. When we are back in the classroom, we will focus on their learning and supporting them to catch up. Remember, our teachers are experts at this!
We miss you all very much. We hope to see you and the children soon, but until we meet again, take care, stay safe and strong and look after yourselves.
With very best wishes,
Mrs K. Gorrell
Acting Headteacher