27.05.20 Parent information about Partial opening



Wednesday 27th May


Dear Parents/Carers,


I hope you and your families continue to be safe and well at this time.  I would like to thank you for your patience in waiting to hear about details regarding the partial opening of the school from the week beginning the 1st June.

Governors have approved the risk assessments and plans in place for the partial re-opening of schools next week. As it stands, school will re-open for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on the week beginning 1st June, as well as for children in key worker families who have continued to be in school throughout the lockdown. We have everything in place to open on 1st June and I will keep you updated if anything changes.

It is up to you, as parent or carer, to decide on whether your child returns to school on this date - if you choose not to send your child to school then there will be no attendance fines.  I would like to remind you that in line with Government guidance, children with asthma or underlying health conditions should NOT be returning to school. Whatever you decide for your child(ren), we will fully support your decision.

When children do return, school will still be the same warm and welcoming place it always has been, but, as you can appreciate, some things will have to run a little differently.  I thought you might like to know some of the things we have changed to make the school the safest, happiest place that it can be for all members of our school community.  Please feel free to contact school if you have any other questions.

Opening hours

School will be open from Monday to Thursday each week.  We will close each Friday (except to children of key workers) in order to deep clean and rid the school of any strains of virus.  COVID-19 is active for 72 hours – closing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will ensure the school is a safe place for our staff and children on Monday.

Start and finish times will be staggered to minimise the number of parents on school premises.   


Start of school day

End of school day

Key Worker children

8.00 – 9.00am

3.00 – 4.15pm




Year 1



Year 6




Children of key workers will attend school as normal from Monday 1stJune but be dropped off and collected from the porta-cabin, not the main office. The children of key workers will be separated from the Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children to avoid cross contamination.

For the first week only, school will stagger opening for each year group so that they can get used to the new routines and procedures.  Please see below:

Monday 1st June – Year 6 ONLY

Tuesday 2nd June – Year 6 and Year 1 ONLY

Wednesday 3rd June – Reception, Year 1 and Year 6

From the 3rd June, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children will be in school Mon-Thurs full time. You must ensure that your child is in school every day unless they are unwell. You will not be able to pick up your child at times other than stated above unless your child is in the key worker group. If your child has a medical appointment, please do not bring them into school on that day.

If you initially choose not to send your child to school but change your mind further down the line, you must give school at least three days notice so that we can organise staffing based on class numbers.  If you fail to do this, we may not be able to provide provision for your child until a later date.

Picking up/dropping off procedures

Only one parent or carer will be able to drop off their child.  You are encouraged to observe social distancing on site and at the school gate and wear facemasks and gloves as you see fit.  Our priority is to protect the staff and children on school premises and we need your help with this.

You will enter the school gate as normal, then you will follow a one-way system on and off the school playground, leaving through the car park. Staff will guide you on your child’s first day as to where they will be dropped off and picked up.  If you are unsure, please ask a member of staff.

Under no circumstances are you permitted to enter the school building.  Again, this is to ensure the safety of our staff and children

You are also encouraged to walk to school and reminded not to park on the zigzags for the safety of children crossing the road.

Classroom arrangements

Most children will not be working with their class teacher or be in their own classroom.  Where this is the case, we have tried to ensure that the children have a familiar face e.g. their teaching assistant, wherever possible.

Children will be working in ‘bubbles’ of up to seven children in Reception and Year 6 and nine children in Year 1 – this is how many children the classrooms can accommodate. If the number of children attending school exceeds this then we will have to consider the children coming into school on a part time basis. The children will have two members of staff, one teacher and one teaching assistant, working with them throughout the day.

Breaks and lunchtimes are staggered so that the children do not mix with any other children in any other ‘bubble’.  They will remain in their ‘bubble’ at playtimes and lunchtimes, playing in designated areas of the schoolyard.  Each ‘bubble’ will be separated at all times, including the staff members.

Lunch will consist of a packed lunch, which will be delivered to your child’s ‘bubble’ by kitchen staff.  No hot lunches will be available at this time.  If you wish your child to have a packed lunch, you must ensure that their lunch box is disinfected every day and that they can open everything in their lunchbox themselves.   The cost of a school dinner is £2.30

The children will have their own desk and drawer that will contain equipment and resources necessary to take part in lessons.  These resources will not be shared with anyone else.  Certain furnishings and items will be removed (e.g. soft toys, dress-up clothes, small apparatus) as they cannot be cleaned appropriately.

Teaching and Learning

The curriculum will focus largely on getting the children used to being together again, getting on with each other and enjoying their time at school through PSHE lessons.

Lessons will consist of English, Maths, Theme (whole school theme each week linked to different areas of the curriculum), PSHE and Phonics.

Health and Safety

All rooms will be equipped with appropriate cleaning equipment and will be cleaned throughout the day when children are playing outside.

Strict handwashing provision will be put into place e.g. washing hands on entering school, before and after playtime, before and after lunch, after using the bathroom and before going home and children will be reminded how to do this effectively.  School will also promote the ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach to coughs and sneezes.

Social distancing will be in place across the school and we would be grateful if you could discuss this with your child so they understand what it means and what it looks like in action.

Protocols are in place for any child or staff member showing symptoms of COVID-19. In this instance, school will contact you and you need to come and collect your child immediately.

How you can help us

While we have done everything in our power to ensure the safety of your child, we need your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in school.

We ask that you:

- Wash and dry your child’s school uniform when they return homefor the next day.  They must come to school in clean clothes.

- Wipe down your child’s shoes with a disinfectant wipe.

- Do not bring any items from home, other than a clean, full water bottle, PE pumps and a clean packed lunch box if your child requires a packed lunch.

- Adhere to the social distancing rules when dropping off and picking up your child.

- Not accessing the school building.

- Understand that staff will be observing the 2m social distancing rule with your child (except during first aid where PPE will be worn).



- If you have children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 (siblings), then you must drop your children at school at the latest staggered slot and pick them up at the earliest staggered slot.  Please ask if you are unsure.

This letter may seem scary to some of you but the welfare of our children, staff and families is paramount, which is why we have had to put the above common sense measures in place.  We can assure you if you decide to send your child(ren) to school, it will be the happy, welcoming and safe place that your child is used to and that we will do everything we can to help them to feel settled.  We hope that you understand this and support us in our decisions.

Please ensure that you stay safe during these difficult times. We trust you, as you trust us, to do what is right for you and your family. 

Mrs K. Gorrell,  

Acting Headteacher