27.05.22 Newsletter Return to Work, Retirement, Trips, Traffic, Events, Half Term
Friday, May 27, 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Return to Work
Thank you for the lovely warm welcome that you and your children gave me upon my return from my maternity leave. It has been lovely to see you all again. Baby Daisy Bell is six and a half months old and is coming on so well.
Miss Barnes and Mrs Tariq have also returned from maternity leave this week and have also received a lovely welcome back after having their baby girls.
Mrs Walton will be taking early retirement from her post as Pupil Support Manager at the end of the school year. Mrs Walton has worked at Reedley School for 28 years and we will all wish her well when she leaves us in July.
9 hours and 6 minutes of lesson time have been lost this week due to children arriving late to school. Lessons start promptly at 8.50am.
There have been some great school trips this week.
Our Year 2 children went to St Anne’s, to learn all about the seaside and Y4 visited Brockhole’s Nature Reserve in Preston, to learn more about animals and their habitats.
Upcoming Events
On Friday 10th June, we are holding our Jubilee Song Concert in hour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, where all of the classes will perform a song for the rest of the children in school . The children are invited to dress in the style of the decade that their class are learning about or they can dress in red, white and blue.
Traffic and Parking
I have noticed that drivers around our school are still parking and driving in dangerous ways. I was surprised about this, as I am aware that one of our children was hit by a car a number of weeks ago and I know that the parent appealed to you all to improve the situation for all of our children.
- Drivers must not stop on the yellow lines between 8 – 9am and between 3 – 4pm.
- They must not stop on the zigzags including to let passengers get in or out of the car.
Any driver doing this is breaking the law and putting children at risk of harm.
As an alternative, I suggest that drivers find a safe and legal place to stop on one of the side streets close to school. There are lots of side streets leading off from Pennine Way that could be an option.
I would then suggest that they walk the last part of the journey to/from school, holding the child’s hand.
Please pass this message on to all drivers who drop children off/pick children up from school.
Half Term
School will be closed from Monday 30th May and will reopen on Monday 6th June.
Have a lovely half term.
Thank you for your support
Mrs Sarah Bell