26/05 Newsletter
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our overall attendance for this week is 93.11%.
We are getting close to our target of 96%. Please keep it up!
If your child is too unwell to come to school, please ensure that you call school to let us know the reason.
You can speak to us directly, or leave a message. Call the school number and press Option 1.
Y6H (Utriculoria Class) and Y3R (Silver Posie) have both won the attendance award for the half term. They will have a non-uniform day after the holidays. We will send a text when the day has been decided.
We had 3 hours and 30 minutes of lates this week, meaning vital learning is still being missed by some children. This is a lower than last week. Let’s get it to zero!
Please ensure that your child is in school before the gates closes at 8.50am each day.
Reception Daffodil Class have won the punctuality award for the half term and will have a non-uniform day after the holidays. We will send a text when the day has been decided.
Names in Clothes
Now the weather is warmer, many children choose to take their coats and jumpers off.
It is really hard to return items that do not have a child’s name in.
Reading Awards
Two children won a £10 book voucher for their work on the Reading Awards.
Habib Rehman in Reception and Aminah Sajjad in Y4.
Lots of children were nominated by their teachers and these two children had their names selected.
Sue Dean Writing Award
Several children across school were nominated for the Sue Dean Award this half term. Abdul-Moeez Saleem was the overall winner!
Wednesday Clubs
There are three weeks of clubs left after the half term on 7th, 14th and 21st June.
The NFL club however, that was being run by BFC has now finished.
We will be selling ice-lollies in the playground on Thursdays and Fridays after school, until the end of the year. This is to raise additional money for school as the cost of living rises have left us struggling for basic resources. Lollies will be 50p each.
Art Week - Reminder
All children will be taking part in art week within their class after half term.
Parents/cares are invited to come in and spend time in their child’s class.
These are the times for each class.
If you are able to come, please arrive in time for the start of the session.
Day |
Year |
Time of session |
Tuesday 6th June |
Y5 |
2.15 – 2.45 |
Wednesday 7th June |
Rec |
2.45 – 3.15 |
Y3 2.15 – 2.45 |
Thursday 8th June |
Y4 |
2.15 – 2.45 |
Friday 9th June |
Y1 |
9.00 – 9.30 |
Y6 |
2.15 – 2.45 |
Y2 |
2.45 – 3.15 |
Events this week:
-Our Year 2 classes went to Lytham for a geography field trip, learning all about the coastal areas
-Our Year 4 classes went to Blackpool Zoo as part of their topic about animals and their habitats.
-A group of nine children from Y5/6 attended an event in Preston, attending the Fantastic Book Awards.
-Year 2 Took part in road safety training – see more information below
Upcoming Events
-After the half term Year 1 children will be going on a trip to Bring Yer Wellies, as part of their topic on the Great Fire of London
-Year 1 and Reception children will also be taking part in road safety training.
-Year 6 children will be going on a trip to Whitehough on 15th June.
-Reception children will going on a trip to the farm on 16th June.
Online Safety
The guide this week is about ‘Influencers’
-Sometimes the lines can be unclear between genuine recommendations
and advertising. Children may not be aware that people are paid to promote items.
-Many influencers paint a picture of an ideal lifestyle.
This can lead to distorted views of body image and can lead to mental health issues
-It is very important to check what your child has access to on-line to ensure that any content is age-appropriate and supports positive mental health and wellbeing.
Year 2 Rightstart training
This week our Year 2 children have taken part in a pedestrian road safety programme. Previous safety messages have been reinforced, which taught them how to keep themselves safe when out and about in the traffic environment, to find a safe place to play away from the road and to wear or carry something bright so they can be seen by other road users.
They should now be using:
- Think – is this the safest place to cross the road?
- Stop - with their feet back from the kerb, which gives them time to Look and Listen.
- Look - for any vehicles that might be coming on the road – not all children of this age are able to judge speed and distance.
- Listen - for vehicles that they may hear before they can see – remember that electric cars make very little noise.
- Think again – have they followed the rules, and will they keep ‘looking and listening’ the whole time they are crossing the road?
In addition to the above, they have been taught to always look for a 'safer place' to cross such as a school crossing patrol, zebra crossing, pelican crossing, traffic island, etc and that whenever possible they should cross away from parked cars.
Please continue to reinforce these messages when out and about with your children.
Upcoming School Holidays
- Half term Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd Children return to school on Monday 5th June.
- School will be closed on Wednesday 28th
- This may be subject to change depending on when Eid falls, but we will let you know nearer the time.
- Summer Holidays
Monday 24th July to Friday 1st September. Children return to school on Monday 4th September.
Have a lovely half term
Mrs Sarah Bell