open days for Y6 2019

Monday 23rd September, 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,


As you will be aware, you are now able to apply for a place for your child at the high school of your choice. In order to help with this decision, there are a number of open evenings that you could attend. I would recommend attending as many as possible, so that you can compare them, in order to find the one that is right for your child.


You must apply online by 31st October. If you do not get your application in before the deadline, then the authority will allocate your child a place in a school, which may not be the one nearest to your home. To appeal against such a decision is a lengthy process and often parents are not successful with an appeal.


Click on and search for ‘apply for a secondary school place’.


The dates of the opening evenings are as follows.


Pendle Vale

Wednesday 2nd October

Please call school for timings

Colne Primet

Thursday 3 October

6pm – 8pm

West Craven

Wednesday 8th October

6pm – 8pm

Marsden Heights

Wednesday 9th October


Park High School

Thursday 10th October

6pm – 8.45pm

Blessed Trinity

Thursday 10th October


Unity College

Wednesday 16th October

4pm to 6.30pm

SS John Fisher & Thomas More

Thursday 17th October

6pm to 8pm

Sir John Thursby

Thursday 17th October

5.30 – 7.30pm



Thank you for your support,


Mrs Sarah Bell


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