school closure and after school care club provision
Tuesday 21st May 2019
Dear Parents/Carers,
Food allergies
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to inform school of a child has a food allergy or intolerance and there is a responsibility to provide school with medical evidence relating to the child’s condition. This can be in the form of a GP letter or from a consultant paediatrician, together with information from a dietician. If your child has an allergy and you have not previously provided us with this information, please can you do so by Monday 3rd June. Once this medical evidence has been provided, the kitchen staff and schools staff will ensure that your child is not given any food that they are allergic to.
School closures
School will be closed to all pupils on Thursday 23rd May due to school being used as a polling station for the European Elections.
School will be closed from Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May and will reopen on Monday 3rd June.
School will be closed for one day, to allow our staff and pupils to celebrate Eid. We can only close of one day for this purpose and we have to go with the day when the majority of families will be celebrating, even though there can be some variation in this.
Currently we have planned this for on Wednesday 5th June. However, I have been advised that this may change to Thursday 6th June. I will confirm on Monday 3rd June, the exact day that we will be closed.
Eid Fair
We will be holding a school fair on Wednesday 12th June from 3:45pm to 5pm.
There will be an opportunity to buy food, toys and take part in some games.
We will be having a non-uniform day on Thursday 6th June and will be asking all children who choose to wear their own clothes, to bring some chocolate or sweets for the tombola stall.
Please ensure that all contributions are suitable for vegetarians and re request that you do not send lollipops.
A number of our families send birthday sweets in for their child. Whilst this is a lovely thing to do, please ensure that anything you send is suitable for vegetarians and that you do not send lollipops, as these can cause injuries.
When children receive these items from their classmates, they are always instructed not to eat them until they get home, and to obtain an adult’s permission before they do so, in case there are any allergies. Please can you reinforce this message with your children.
After school club consultation
I have been approached from a parent asking whether school could provide after-school provision. This is not a facility that we have ever provided here and in order to do so, it would have to be financially viable for the school.
In order for us not to make a financial loss, we would need to have a minimum number of children attending the provision every day, who would be willing to pay for the sessions for each child. If there are a sufficient number of parents who are interested and willing to pay, then we will look into the matter further, to see whether we are able to provide such provision at Reedley. Typical provision in other schools charge between £5 and £10 per session and the children attend after school, up until 6pm daily.
Please return the slip below, if you would be interested in this provision.
Thank you for your support
Sarah Bell
After school care facility – consultation response
- I would be interested in an after school care facility until 6pm, if one was viable.
- I would agree that my child would attend every day that school is open.
- Please state how much you would be prepared to pay, per child, per session
£5 per child per session, £7.50 per child per session OR £10 per child, per session
This money would need to be paid in advance of the sessions.
Further comments from parent/carers
Name of child(ren) _________________________________________________________________________________
Name of parent/carer _____________________________________________________________________________