Autumn 1

Three Little Pigs

During Literacy we have been reading the story The Three Little Pigs.   

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We learnt new vocabulary such as live, chimney, son, daughter and tiny and used BSL to help us remember. 

We used a story map to retell the story.


We used different materials to create the houses for the three little pigs.


We used masks and props to retell the story. 

safaand huzaifa little pigs.PNG

Self- Portraits

We have created some fantasic self-portraits. We looked in the mirror to select the colours we needed. We discussed eye colours and our hair colours and thought about whether our hair was long or short. 


Our First Week

We have been busy exploring our new environment this week, both inside and outside. We have started to make friends and we are learning new routines. We have had so much fun!