Autumn 1
Focus 1 - Stories with a fantasy setting
Focus 2 - Poems with a structure (cinquains and kennings)
Our English novel to support our learning: 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'.

A fantasy is a genre that includes elements of magic and the setting is in a fictional universe.
We have studied the features of a fantasy story which has helped us structure our very own versions of the story and we have enjoyed innovating our own ideas.
A story with a fantasy setting
We have all enjoyed reading, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' and have become very familiar with the characters and plot. Our challenge at the end of the topic was to create our own version through innovations. We have used new and exciting vocabulary throughout our stories to create an imaginary world for our audience.
Poetry - Cinquains
We have been looking at poems with a structure. A cinquain poem uses syllables to create the structure.
Woof! Woof!
Wagging, sniffing.
Running around the park,
Chasing the brown, fluffy squirrel.
Woof! Woof!
Autumn 2
Fairy tales - Rumaysa
Our novel this half term is Rumaysa. This fairy tale modern spin on Rapunzel. Rumaysa is taken from her parents as a baby and is locked away in a tower by an evil witch. She is foreced to spin straw into gold. Rumaysa is desperate to escape and starts to save bits of straw each day to spin into a hijab which she then uses to climb out of the tower.
Spring 1
Focus 1 - Stories with an issue/Dilemma - The Mousehole Cat

Our novel this half term, The Mousehole Cat, is a story about a fisherman who lives in a small village near the sea. A storm means that the local fisherman cant go out to catch fish for the people to eat and so everyone is starting to get hunry. The story is told from the point of view of a black and white cat called Mowzer.
Focus 2 - Persuassion - The Balaclava Boy

The main character is having a difficult time as he really wants to join The Balaclava Boys. The only issue is that to be part of this club, you have to own a balaclava - which his mother refuses to buy. One day, he finds a balaclava in the boys' bathroom and so he steals it but quickly regrets his decision.
Spring 2
Focus 1 - Non chronological report
Focus 2 - Story openings

Our novel this half term is 'The Last Bear'. This magical story is all about endangered animals.
There are no polar bears left on Bear Island. At least, that’s what April’s father tells her when his scientific research takes them to this remote Arctic outpost for six months. But one endless summer night, April meets one. He is starving, lonely and a long way from home. Determined to save him, April begins the most important journey of her life…
Summer 1
Focus 1 - Novel as a theme

Focus 2 - Information booklet
Summer 2
Focus 1 - Classic narrative - Poetry and newspapers.
Focus 2 - Discussion and debate