
Things to look forward to this half term...



Reading is Magic Festival 


We loved logging on and taking part in the online session. We joined in with the session with Cressida Cowell's where she spoke about things that influenced her to write the series of books called 'How to train a dragon' The children enjoyed finding out all about her and her books and listening to questions that other children were asking her.

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Morris Dancing 

Today we have really enjoyed a visit from North West Processional Clog Morris Dancing Club. They showed us some of their moves and talked to us about what Morris Dancing is. Then we had so much fun learning a routine they had put together for us whilst they played live music. Her are some pictures of us having a go!

Mrs Ellis was so proud that they went away saying how well behaved and engaged we were.



Sandersons dance session 

On Monday the 30th October we had a dance workshop with Sandersons School of Dance. The children loved learning and performing the streetdance that they taught us.

This linked into our PE theme which is dance this half term.


Art Week

We have had our first Art Week this week in which we have been learning about the artist Claes Oldenburg. We first looked at some of his drawings and sculptures before going on to make our own sculptures of fruit out of clay.

Our observational drawing session:


We explored using clay. We rolled, squashed and pinched the clay.


We invited our parents in to help us make our fruit models



Skipping workshop 



Art week 2018

Monday 20th February - Friday 24th February

Aboriginal Art

What is Aboriginal Art? - Answered - Twinkl Teaching Wiki   

We have been studying the artist Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi. Gabrriella cretaes Aboriginal Artwork.


We spent some time looking at her pieces before learning about the meaning of the symbols and then creating our own stories through symbols. look out for the finished pieces. 


We also invited parents to come in and join us to create our artwork. The children really enjoyed sharing with their adult the meaning behind each symbol in their art story.

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                                                                   The Advanced Spelling Bee Guide: All You Need to Know! [Updated 2021] Spelling Bee  Y3 champion  The Advanced Spelling Bee Guide: All You Need to Know! [Updated 2021]
      The results from this years Spelling Bee were very close and we are very proud to announce that the Reedley School, Y3 winner was Maham Shakeel (3RE). She will be representing Reedley School in the next heat which will be against local schools.
                                                                                             Good luck.
                                                                                          School Trip 
On Friday 23rd  February we went to 'Bring your wellies and took part in an action packed day, linked to our theme... The Stone Age.
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Well done to the following children who took part in the Times Tables final at Burnely Youth Theatre on Wednesday 6th March.
Amani Hussain
Maham Shakeel 
Dawood Rehman
Dawood Rehman won the trophy for Year 3.

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      Quidditch event...

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Year 3 Sports Tournament...
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Year 3 hosted our Eid Assembly. The children were so confident infront of all of the parents.
The Year 3 staff were very proud of the children. Eid Mubarak from the Year 3 team!

Art Week Summer 2

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We spent some time looking at some of Georgia O'Keefes artwork and talked about what we liked and what it made us feel like.

Here are some of her famous pieces below:

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After reading these quotes we observed some flowers and we took photographs zooming in on the beauty of flowers here are some of our photos.




We did some observational drawing of different flowers. Parents came in to join us with this activity. We really enjoyed sharing our drawings with you. See the pictures below.

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