Home Learning - 17.01.24
Please complete the work below:
K.L: Arthimetic test.
Download the arthimetic test below. Try and complete as much as you can in half an hour. Then you can check your answers.
You can also go on TTRockstars and Maths Whizz (if you have a login).
K.L: Use relative clauses.
Write a science fiction story that must include Doctor Who and an alien snow angel.
You will need 5 minutes to plan, 30 minutes to write and 15 minutes to edit.
Make sure your story includes relative clauses, interesting sentence starters, detail description and is grammatically correct.
Login into Bug Club and read a book, or read a book at home for 30 minutes. You can then write a book review about what you have read.
Research about stars and how they are formed or research about different space explorations, e.g. Apollo 17. Create a fact sheet with this information. This should take about 45 minutes. Please include drawings.
Complete this session on Joe Wicks' PE.
Click link below
P.E with Joe | Monday 23rd March 2020 - YouTube
Plastic Pollution
What is Plastic Pollution?
Plastic pollution is an issue that threatens our environment and the wildlife within it.
Find out at least five interesting facts about plastic pollution that you can share with the class.