Home Learning 4.7.24

Thursday 4th July

Hello Year 2, 

Online activities are available on Bug Club, Purple Mash, Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots and Spag.com 


Click on the icons below to go straight to our online learning.

    Reedley Primary School: Y3CL Phoenix Class    Times Tables Rock Stars: Play  Purple Mash       Bug Club Family 





Please complete a book on Bug Club and collect your coins. You could also read your reading book or reading for pleasure book. 

This should take you about 1/2 hour.

Remember to work towards your reading award.


Riddles (45 minutes)

Today you are going to write a riddle. We already know lots about riddles.

  1. Write in the first person
  2. Use lots of describing words
  3. Use joining words like and, but, or
  4. Use different sentence starters e.g Sometimes, People, My
  5. Put easy clues at the end and harder clues first
  6. Try to trick the reader

Remember not to say who you are so the reader can guess.

Think about the different uses of wood.

We are going to write a riddle for something made from wood. It could be a book, a table, a chair or even a tissue.

Think of 6 different clues. You could write about where it is found, what it looks like, what it is used for or what it feels like.


TTRS and Numbots



KL: Sabbath

Shabbat is an exciting and important day that Jewish people look forward to all week. For Jewish people, Saturday is a special day.

Shabbath is the fourth commandment: ‘You shall remember to keep the Sabbath day Holy.’ Saturday was the seventh day of the week and the day that God rested after creating the world. Ever since ancient times, Jewish people have kept the Sabbath day Holy by celebrating Shabbat.

Watch the video and answer the questions about Shabbat.


  1. When is Shabbat?
  2. How long does it last?
  3. How do Jewish people celebrate Shabbat?
  4. List some of the traditions and tell me what they do. E.g. Challah bread is eaten.
  5. What can’t you do on Shabbat?


Log in to your Purple Mash account and check your alerts and complete the tasks set for you.

Today’s challenges- Haunted Scene, Vehicles
