In May, Year 6 will take SATs tests.  For information about the tests, follow the link:

Information for parents: 2024 national curriculum tests at the end of key stage 2 - GOV.UK (

We held a meeting for parents on 9th September 2024 and the 10th February 2025.  The Powerpoint slides can be viewed here:

SATs Powerpoint


To support your child, please:

*Encourage them to read as often as they can.  Every little helps.

*Ask them to complete activities on - these are fantastic in helping the children prepare for the GPS paper.

*Support them in completing the activities on Maths Whizz.

*Access the spelling activities on Purple Mash.

This is the link to the Year 6 writing objectives:

Writing Framework


These are the links to the spelling lists for KS2:

Years 3 & 4 spelling list

Years 5 & 6 spelling list


Thank you once again for your continued support.

Mrs Hornby and Mrs Connolly


Click on the website required below and it will take you to the page to login.

NCHENZ - MATHS-WHIZZ - Home Learning School