


Autumn term

Our theme for Autumn 1 is… Sparks Might Fly

Electricity and circuits 6th CBSE science study notes  

Our Key Questions are:

  • What are conductors and insulators?
  • What happens if I remove or add bulbs and batteries to a circuit?
  • How would our lives be different without electricity?

Lesson 1: What common appliances run on electricity? 

Lesson 2: Can I construct a simple circuit and name the different parts?

Lesson 3: How can I identify if a bulb will light up? How does the number of batteries affect the brightness of a bulb?

Lesson 4: What are conductors and insulators?

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Our knowledge of electricity is then going to be used to make a 'haunted house,' in Design Technology.

You can find out more about Electricity on the BBC Bitesize website.


Our theme for Autumn 2 is… Sound  

Our Key Questions are:

  • How are sounds made?
  • What is the difference between volume and pitch?

Lesson 1: How are sounds made?

Lesson 2: What is a sound vibration?

Lesson 3: What is inside your ear?

Lesson 4: What is the difference between volume and pitch?

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Spring term

Our theme for Spring 1 is... Teeth and the digestive system 

Our Key Questions are:

  • What are the different fucntions of teeth?
  • What does an animals' teeth tell us about waht it eats?
  • How do I look after my teeth?
  • What are the parts of the digestive system and what do they do?
  • What happens to food when we eat it?

Lesson 1: What are the different parts of a tooth?

Lesson 2: Why do we have teeth and what are their purpose? 


Lesson 3: How do we look after our teeth?

We watched the NewsRound video to find out about a dentist's advice on taking care of our teeth.

Brushing teeth.png


Lesson 4: What is tooth decay?

Lesson 5: What are the teeth like of other animals?

Animal teeth.png

Lesson 6: What are the parts of the digestive system and what do they do?

During this lesson we explored the digsetive sustem in detail. We started by naming the parts of the digestive system and working in small groups to place the organs int he correct place, and matching them to the function they perform.


Lesson 7 : What happens to food when we eat it?

Lesson 8: Do all animals have the same digestive system?


Explore teeth further using BBC Bitesize

Watch the video from BBC Bitesize to see how our body digests food.

KL: What are the parts of a tooth?

KL: Idenitfying


KL: What teeth do humans have?

KL: Identifying

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KL: What effects do different liquids have on our teeth?

KL/; Investigating

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KL: Investigate

KL: What is tooth decay? 


KL: What is the digestive system?

KL: Identifying


KL: To explain how the digestion system works

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Here are some pictures from our egg experiment! 

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