Spring 1 Learning
For English this half term we have been looking at the story Tiddalick. Tiddalick is Aboriginal creation story from Australian Indigenous Dreaming Stories. We have spent some time reading the book and learning the story through Talk 4 write. The children have come up with some fabulous actions to go along side the story to help them remember it. Once we had spent some time immesring ourselves in the story we looked at the characters. The two main characters are a frog and a platypus. We described both animals and looked at how they were different. The platypus was described in the story as a strange looking animal. From here we went on to create our own strange animals that we could use to innovate the story. The children loved coming up with new animals. Lastly we innovated our own story and came up with a animal that would save the day and make Tiddalick laugh. This story has linked nicely with our theme topic as we have also explored animals and the climate in Autrailia.
We have also been looking at errors in sentences, for instance, 'the boi runned down the stairs'. We have found the mistakes (no capital letter, incorrect spelling of 'boy' etc) and correctly rewrote the setence: The boy ran down the stairs.
Im maths we have continued to explore number and place value. We have built on our prior knowledge and have challenged ourselves with new learning. We have been counting both forwards and backward to 100, we love doing this through dancing and singing. We have been comparing two numbers/amounts up to 50 using more, fewer and equal/same. We have been building on our prior learning of one more and one less to move on to ten more and ten less. We have also been looking at 2d and 3d shapes again. This time we have been describing their properities and sorting them. The shapes we have concentrated on are circles and triangles, square rectangles and oblongs and squares, spheres and pyramids and cubes and cuboids.
Our topic this half-term is 'Penguins, Possums and Pets'. We will be learning about animals and their classifcations. We will also look at how the equator and the poles affect the weather in different countries.
Our Key questions are
What is the weather like in different parts of the world?
How are animals the same and different?
How can we sort animals?
Which animals live in which continents?
We have spent some time looking at maps and exploring them. We have learnt about the equator and what it is. The children have also looked at North, East, South and West on the map. We have been learning and labelling the different continents. ask them to sing you the continents song we sang from youtube. We have also been discussing what the weather is like in different parts of the world.
The children have also really enjoyed learning about animals from different places. We have been sorting the animals according to the five animal kingdom categories.
And sorting them according to different features. For example, legs or no legs.