
Autumn Term

Theme: The Place Where I Live

Focus: Geography and History


We have found out about the physical and human features in the local area. First we looked around the school grounds and then we went for a walk on the roads nearby to see what we could see. We saw lots of different types of houses as well as Pendle Hill in the distance. 


Next we sorted local features into Physical and Human. 



We drew our own maps to show the features around our school.

We used our observational skills to draw pictures of features in the playground and take rubbings of the different textures we found.




We have been looking at how our local area has changed. We found out that there used to be a farm here instead of a school and the houses around our school were built on the farmer’s fields.

We have been finding out how games have changed over the years by asking our parents which games they played when they were young. We talked about different games that can be played in the playground and found that many of them have been played in the past.