
Autumn 1 - A Bear called Paddington

See the source image

Key Learning

Towards the end of the unit, children will be writing their own Paddington Adventure story. By then children will be able to:

  • Use subordination for time.g. when, before and after
  • explore and identify complex sentences using a range of conjunctions. g. when, before, after, while, until.
  • use a comma to separate clause in complex sentences where the subordinate clause appears first.
  • identify, generate and effectively use noun phrases. g. The blue butterfly with shimmering wings…
  • select vocabulary from a vocabulary banks
  • use inverted commas to punctuation direct speech (speech marks)


Explore the clips before to familiarise yourself with Paddington.

Paddington meets the Brown family http://www.viewpure.com/sCgnuhb45ik?start=0&end=0

Mr Brown joins Paddington for tea http://www.viewpure.com/VBku6tXLDo4?start=0&end=0