
                        Asamblea inglés Isabel

In Year 5, we will be working on the Year 3 and 4 words that we aren't as confident with, as well as working on the Year 5 words. Please see below for a complete list of words, as well as a menu of spelling activities to help make learning more enjoyable.

Autumn 1


This week, the children have been looking at Legends.  We have talked a lot about Myths, Legends and Folktales. 

Human beings have been telling stories since they first learned to speak. And even before we could speak, we managed to tell stories by drawing and painting pictures on the walls of the caves we lived in.

The Perfect Poplar Class Blog 2017-18! : Champions of Week 12 Myths legends and folktales for blog PPT - Folktales, myths, and legends PowerPoint Presentation, free ...

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there lived some  great storytellers.

Their stories have been passed down, retold, translated, adapted and, more recently, written down, because everyone loves a good story!

Do some of your favourites include haunting and murder, treasure and battle, wicked deeds and heroic actions?


                                          Beowulf – Royal Armouries

The Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf is told in three short animations, covering his battles with the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother. Ensure you watch the Beowulf episodes to assess their suitability before sharing with your group.

Beowulf is one of the most important texts in Old English and is believed to date from somewhere between 975 and 1025 - around the time of Alfred the Great. The author is unknown.

The events of the poem are set in Scandanavia. Hrothgar - King of the Danes - builds a mead hall called Heorot but comes under attack from a monster called Grendel. Gredel terrorises the Danes for twelve long years.

Click on the pictures below to watch the episodes.

Beowulf - Episode 1. video

King Hrothgar and his people are attacked by the monster, Grendel

Beowulf - Episode 1

Beowulf has defeated Grendel but now he must battle Grendel's mother

Beowulf - Episode 3
                                            The Legend of Gelert the Dog - YouTube
The children have been looking at the story Legend of Gelert and worked in groups to create a talk 4 write piece.
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