Things to look forward to during this term
Parent information session about the Y4 Multiplicaiton Check (9am) - Wednesday 24th April
INSET Day: Polling day - Thursday 2nd May
May Bank Holiday- Monday 6th May
National Numeracy Day - Wednesday 15th May
Half term holiday - Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May
We return to school on Monday 3rd June
Art Week - Week beginning Monday 3rd June
Year 4 Multiplicaiton check, Week 1 - Week beginning Monday 3rd June
Non uniform day (for the chocolate tombola) - Friday 7th June
Year 4 Multiplicaiton check, Week 2 - Week beginning Monday 3rd June
Y3/4 Sports day (details to come) - Friday 14th June
Eid Fair - Thursday 20th June
Transistion days - Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June
Last day - Friday 19th July
Things to look forward to during the Spring term
A dance session with Sandersons Dance studio - Thursday 11th January
None uniform day for winning the attendance award - Friday 12th January
Half term holiday - Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February
We return to school on Monday 19th February
Puzzle Day - Monday 29th January
Art Week - Week beginning Monday 19th February
Leap Day! - Thursday 29th February
Year 4 Girls Football - Tuesday 5th March
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March
Quidditch event in school - Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th March
Spring term photo gallery
Leap Day! - Thursday 29th February
Class 4ER took part in the 'Scavenger hunt' quiz for Leap day.
Year 4 Girls Football - Tuesday 5th March
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March
'Big Bad Wolf' performance for wbd - Thursday 7th March
Quidditch event in school - Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th March
Things to look forward to duing the Autumn term
Reading is Magic festival - Week beginning Monday 2nd October
Trip to Astley Hall - Tuesday 17th September
MacMillan Coffee morning - Friday 27th October
Talk Money week - Week beginning Monday 6th November
Maths Week England - Week beginning Monday 13th November
Year 4 Cinema Trip - Thursday 23rd November
Half term holiday - Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
We return to school on Monday 30th October
Christmas holidays - We break up for the Christmas holidays at 3.30pm on Friday 22nd December
We return to school on Monday 8th January