Home Learning 17.1.24
In Maths this week we have been representing numbers using base 10 equipment, 10 frames and bead strings. We have progressed onto using number lines and filling in missing numbers.
Complete the 'Counting in 5s' worksheet to recap counting in 5s.
Then use the '100 square and number line to 20' resources to complete your Maths worksheet.
In English we have enjoyed listening to the story 'Tiddalik'. You can listen to the story with your child using the links below.
Once you have watched the story think about how the different characters are feeling in the story and why. For example 'Tiddalik is feeling grumpy because he is still thirsty.' or 'Kookaburra is feeling upset because he has no water to drink.'
Then complete the English worksheet (Tiddalik - Think, say, feel) by writing a sentence using a capital letter and full stop.
In Geography we have been learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.
Go through the 'Continents powerpoint' and 'Oceans powerpoint' with your child.
The children have enjoyed singing along to the following songs to learn the names of the continents and oceans. (Click on the links below to join in with the songs.)
Read a book with your child on 'Bug club' and complete the bug challenges.