Home Learning - 18.1.24
In Maths the children have been using numberlines going up in 2s and 5s to add missing numbers. Today they will be progressing onto 'Money' where they will also be counting money in 2s. Use the numberline and 100 square to complete your Maths worksheet.
In English this week the children have started writing their 'Tiddalik' story using 'Talk for Write' . Talk for Write allows children to orally rehearse sentences using actions to represent the words using a visual representation of the sentences. Once rehearsed the children are provided with a copy of the Talk for Write to support their writing 'without the words'. Both copies of the Talk for Write are provided below.
Watch the story 'Tiddalik' using the links below.
Recap the Talk for Write sentences and then write the ending of your Tiddalik story.
This term we are learning about the religion 'Hinduism'. Listen to the story using the link provided on the PowerPoint and complete the task sheet set.
We are starting a new unit in Computing called 'Maze Explorers'. The children will need to use different directional keys to guide the objects around the maze to complete the challenges. The PowerPoint explains the task and challenges that have been set as a '2do' on PurpleMash and can be accessed through your alerts on the homepage on PurpleMash.