
Jenny Holding Math Subtraction Symbol | 3D Animated Clipart for PowerPoint  -

We follow the Red Rose Mastery Maths Scheme of work at Reedley Primary School.

In the Files section below, you will find a pictorial representation of our written calcualtions policy for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Important message for Year 4

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a key stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of year 4 (in June). The MTC’s purpose is to ensure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level. In the 2023/2024 academic year, the multiplication tables check (MTC) became statutory for primary schools.

The Multiplication Times Tables Check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question, you have 6 seconds to answer, and in between the questions, there is a 3-second rest. Questions about the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times table come up more often. The questions are generated randomly.

Click on the Trophy cabinet tab and create a free account so that you can collect trophies in a virtual cabinet as you improve your timestables.

Other websites that can be used to get yourself ready for the test are, Timestable Rockstars (Sound check area), Timestable games, MathsFrame Hit the Button,


Autumn Term

Our units this term are…

Week 1: Unit 1, Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

Week 2: Unit 1, Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

Week 3: Unit 2, Length and Perimeter

Week 4: Unit 3, Statistics    

Week 5: Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction

Week 6: Unit 4, Addition and Subtraction    

Week 7: Unit 5, Multiplication

Week 8: unit 5, Multiplication      

Week 9: Unit 6, Division

Week 10: Unit 6, Division    

Week 11: Unit 7, Time

Week 12: Unit 7, Time  

Week 13: Unit 8, Shape


Spring Term

Our units this term are…

Week 1: Unit 9, Place Value

Week 2: Unit 9, Place Value

Week 3: Unit 10, Multiplication

Week 4: Unit 10, Multiplication

Week 5: Unit 11, Division

Week 6: Unit 12, Addition and Subtraction

Week 7: Unit 13, Fractions

Week 8: Unit 14, Addition, Subtraction and money

Week 9: Unit 15, 2D shape and sorting

Week 10: Unit 16, Position and direction

Week 11: Unit 17, Area Unit 18, Statistics

Week 12: Unit 19, Measures

Mrs Bells Times Table Awards

Mrs Bell has continued with the timetables awards this year but will take place in class. The children that have achieve the award, will be announced during assembly on Fridays.

Do you know your timetables in any order?   Can you do them in 3 minutes?

If the answer to these questions is YES…then try for the certificates below:

  • Bronze Certificate – 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • Silver Certificate – 3, 4, 6 and 11 times tables
  • Gold Certificate – 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables
  • Amethyst Certificate – All tables mixed
  • Emerald Certificate – 100 question challenge in three minutes!
  • Hackmanite - 144 division and multiplcation questions
  • Panite - 140 questions designed to extend multiplication and division facts beyond 12x12

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