
Autumn term

Our Autumn 1 theme is… Sparks Might Fly

Working conditions in factories - Industry — textile factories and coal  mines - National 5 History Revision - BBC Bitesize  The Industrial Revolution - BBC Bitesize


Our Key Question is:

  • How did the Industrial Revolution change Britain?

Lesson 1: How did the landscape change during the Industrial Revolution?

Lesson 2: How important was the cotton industry in Burnley?

Lesson 3: Where where canals important in this era?

Lesson 4: What impact did the steam engine have on the Industrial Revolution?

BBC Bitesize has lots of information to answer this topic.


Play the  History game and explore the industrial Revolution in more detail. Be a detective and explore whether the mill owners were cruel to children.


At the end of this topic we will be visiting  Astley Hall. This will conclude our Industrial Revolution topic and begin our Plague topic.


Our Autumn 2 theme is… The Plague

Our Key Questions are:

  • What were the different types of plagues and how did people catch them?
  • What impact did the plague have on London?
  • What did the plague doctor look like?
  • Why did the plague spread so quick?
  • What happened in 1666 that reduced the number of deaths from the plague and how do we know? 
  • Did the plague spread outside London? 

Lesson 1: What was the plague?

Lesson 2: What was the signifficance of the plague doctor?

Lesson 3: What was it like to live in London during the plague?

Lesson 4: Who was Samuel Pepys and what did he tell us about the plague?

Lesson 5: Did the plague spread outside London? What happened in Eyam?

Lesson 6: What happened in 1666 that caused the decline of the plague?


There is a lot of information about the plague that can be found on the BBC Bitesize website.

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