Home Learning-18.1.24

Thursday 18th January

Hello Year 2, 

Online activities are available on Bug Club, My Maths and Spag.com.


MyMaths | Tried and Tested | Teach Primary    Reedley Primary School: Y3CL Phoenix Class    Times Tables Rock Stars: Play  Purple Mash      Bug Club Family



Please complete a book on Bug Club and collect your coins. You could also read your reading book or reading for pleasure book. 

This should take you about 30 minutes.

Remember to work towards your reading award.


Comprehension (30 minutes)

Complete the comprehension tasks. You will find these at the bottom of the page.

Find the task for your Guided Reading Group.

If you are in River or Ocean, complete the River and Ocean task.

If you are in Forest or Garden complete that task.

If you are in Desert complete the Desert task.

KL:Instructions (45 minutes)

As we have just completed instructions for the grass head, can you write instructions for a snowman?

You must include a title, introduction and a 'you will need list'.

Remember to include features like time words, numbers, imperative verbs and adverbs.

You will find help sheets at the bottom of the page.


K.L: Order values of 3 masses (45 minutes)

Can you now try ordering values of 3 masses?

Remember to:

Look at the tens first.

If the tens are the same, look at the ones.

The sheets you need are attached at the bottom of the page.


RE (45 minutes)

KL: What is Puja?

Look at the image below and think about two questions that you have about the image. Remember your question starters- Who, Why, What, When and How.


Watch the video which will help you understand what Puja is.


Here are the important objects that are used in Puja.

 objects puja.png

Draw the items and write sentences next to each item to explain why they are important.




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